Saturday, January 26, 2008


Here as attonement with forgiveness and nicetude for not finishing that last post in time is my favorite fan-translation of a manga ever. You may or may not recognize the source material as Death Note, but please don't post any spoilers in my ever-so-empty comments section, because apparently people still get really angry over being told about things that already came out almost a year ago.

and why do these things keep coming out so damn small??!

Webcomic Weekly

Ha! It's still Saturday, so I have not failed myself yet! I ended up spending most of the day looking at lolcats and catching up on Grey's Anatomy, but no longer! (And no, this does not make me less of a hunk of manlyness- in fack it shows that I am very comfortable with my masculinityness...itude.)

My crazyness aside, this week's installment brings us to my favorite victorian-era webcomic, Wondermark.

Now, due to my afforementioned crazyness, I have to publish this post now, before midnight, or else....I don't know, my teeth will fall out or something. So for now....I don't know, imaginary readers, just hang on, and I'll finish this later.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Webcomic Weekly

Alright, I needed something, anything, to make me write regularly, so I introduce this, my Webcomic Weekly, where I recommend a webcomic each week...until I run out of webcomics. That's it. Enjoy.

For my very first entry, I would like to introduce a relative newcomer to the wide world of webcomics, WE THE ROBOTS.

From the mind of Chris Harding comes a world where technology evolved from the promordial ooze instead of organic life. Though Harding assures us that his strip is not to be taken as a social or political commentary, the little bots paint a bleak little picture of modern life.

WE THE ROBOTS is always entertaining, and Harding always gets me with his dry wit and humor. There is always the danger of being reduced to a sobbing, broken shell of a man, but hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?

Hurry up and read it now! There's only 4 months to catch up on:

Chris Harding is also quite the animator, as can be seen in his award-winning short, Learn Self Defence (bonus points if you can spot the satire):

PS: Feel free to drop a comment. It'll help me believe that there are actually people reading this.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My name is Miss Lewis S. Alaric.

Ok, I just got this email, and I have no idea what it is or what to think because I don't usually get emails like this. I guess it's spam, but don't they usually have a link to a cheap Viagra knock-off site somewhere in there? Or it's more along the lines of the destitute Nigerian prince who desperately needs your money- but there's no request for money, just promise of "buisness relationship," not even a hint of perhaps requiring a small investment on my part. I guess that comes later.

Iam Lewis S. Alaric.
Abidjan Cote D'IvoireWest Africa

Dear One,

Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you. I Come across your profile and have Decided to get in touch with you after my prayer, to see if you can help me alliviate this problem. Ican't imagine how you will feel receiving a sudden letter from a remote country far away and probably from someone you are not closely related with. But all the same, I believe we do not need to be of blood relativesbefore we can establish cordial relationship.

My name is Miss Lewis S. Alaric. i am The only child of (Late Mr. Kaluga) who was shot dead during the last political crisis here in Cote D'ivoire on his way to work. Hearing the news of my fathers dead lately in the night by his lawyer,i ran to his bedroom and carried away some important belongings and move it to the interior village for hiding. I later discovered that My father willed in cash, the sum of $12.5Million US Dollars which hedeposited One Trunk Box in a Security Company In OVERSEAS but there was condition

(1) That I must be 25 years or above before this fund can be release to me,
(2) That upon request for the release of the fund, there must be evidenceof investment intentions,(3) To invest this fund in solid business,Such as manufactures factory orcompany,Real Exstates,or agriculture investment.
I contact you therefore to confirm if you can absorb me in a partnership in your company or possibly advise me on any investment opportunity in your country. we shall reach an agreement, that you will stand on my behalf and claim this very Fund from the Security Company in ovearseas.
and transfer it into your account there in your country. and after all I will come over to your country to finish my education and commence business partnership with you and the fund.
I expect your urgent response including your addresses, your telephone and fax number.

Thanks for expected cooperation
Respond to me urgently if your are interested
My regards,


So, yeah, I just thought I'd share this with you, Interwub.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Test Test

Hey there, internets. I just felt like making a blog for no discernible reason. I guess I was just kind of drawn to it because I've been reading more blogs and webcomics recently, and blogspot's layout is so rounded and clean looking.

I don't really know what I'm going to post here, as I've been reluctant to post mundane details of my life on other blogs (you know who you are). I think I'll try talking less about specific personal details, and more about the random thoughts that are always running through my head. Whatever I write, I should really write it, as I have been aspiring to write professionally.

Anyways, you (if there's anyone out there reading this, which I doubt), can probably expect reviews and opinions on movies, games, or anything Japanese, lists of websites that I think are totally dope, insane ramblings, and some passing thoughts of things that "seemed like a good idea at the time." Who knows, maybe if I figure out a good way to put drawings on the computer, and learn how to draw again I can use this to post lame experimental webcomics