Sunday, February 3, 2008

Total Lame-o

If you've been reading this blog you've probably decided that I'm just that person who starts a blog, journal, sleep diary, whatever with the forced conviction of keeping up with it on a regular basis for all of forever, but then just flakes out after just a few entries and tries to just forget about it and watch TV. Well you're right; I am that perrson. I hate myself for it, but it's true. I come up with excuses that usually involve me forgeting about it, but the truth is that I'm always thinking about the things that I should really be doing and what I can do to stop thinking about them. At any given moment I'm thinking of one to two (out of about 7) of the things I should really be working on at the same moment. Right now the only reason I was able to get myself to write this is that the show I'm watching on here needs time to load. Heck, right now all I can think about is wrapping this up without actually finishing my thought because I know it's fully loaded now.
I'm a weak person, so I'll just do that.

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